Financial Aid

At ILMUNC, we aim to attract a wide range of students with diverse backgrounds to our conference. However, we are Lzo cognizant of the financial burden attached to attending our conference. Conference fees, transportation, and rooming can add up and be financially unfeasible for certain delegations. We are firm believers that these economic barriers should not inhibit students’ ability to attend our conference and learn about international affairs. In light of this, ILMUNC is proud to announce that it will continue to offer its scholarship program for ILMUNC XLI, aimed at helping delegates who have difficulty obtaining the necessary funds to attend the conference.

To apply for financial aid, indicate on the Registration Form that your delegation would like to apply for financial aid. Once your delegation’s registration form has been submitted, complete the financial aid form available on your delegation portal by October 31st, 2024. ILMUNC encourages delegations to indicate how many delegates they are seeking to support through financial aid. Please ensure that your school can and will attend ILMUNC XLI before you submit your application. Please feel free to reach out to our Secretary-General at with any questions.

If selected, ILMUNC will waive school, delegate, and FA fees. ILMUNC XLI will also select one delegation to receive a full-ride, which includes transportation, hotel accommodation, and registration fees for the school, delegates, and FAs. Please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee financial aid to all who apply. 

To decrease any financial burden on participants, ILMUNC also encourages students to fundraise through their high school Model United Nations program. Please feel free to reach out to our CFO at with any questions to learn the most beneficial fundraising practices and efficient cost-cutting methods.